Summer School
Welcome to the GOOD-OARS-CLAP-COPAS Summer School 2023
Location: CEAZA & Universidad Católica del Norte, campus Guayacán Coquimbo, Dates: 6 – 12 November 2023
The last IPCC report confirms the deleterious effects of rising temperatures and decreasing pH and oxygen in the coastal and open ocean ecosystems, calling for enhancing our capacity to predict the ocean state. The GOOD-OARS-CLAP-COPAS International Summer School 2023 is designed to prepare the next generation of ocean scientists that will engage in multidisciplinary research and increase our understanding on the response of marine ecosystems in the next decades.
The Summer School aims to teach the skills and knowledge of the many disciplines needed to understand the ocean and atmospheric processes involved in ocean deoxygenation and acidification with a focus on Eastern Boundary Upwelling systems. It will expose graduate and doctoral students and early-career scientists to recent developments and methodologies in the study of biogeochemical and physical feedbacks between the ocean and atmosphere in a changing environment.
The GOOD-OARS-CLAP-COPAS summer school is opened to graduate and doctoral students, and early career scientists interested in interacting with world leading experts in the field in a friendly atmosphere, and enhancing their understanding of the processes constraining the future state of the oceans and environmental risks to marine habitats and ecosystems.
Please send an email to if you have any questions or need further assistance regarding the Summer School.
The 2023 Summer School is sponsored by a variety of organisations and institutions. Thank you very much for supporting us! If you are interested in sponsoring the Summer School, please contact the GO2NE secretariat :