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Mid-Holocene mean climate in the south eastern Pacific and its influence on South America.


Carré, M., Azzoug, M., Bentaleb, I., Chase, B., Fontugne, M., & Jackson, D., Ledru, M.P., Maldonado, A., et al


The eastern tropical Pacific plays a key role in the tropical atmospheric circulation and in the global carbon cycle, and assessing the sensitivity of this region to global climate changes is a major challenge facing climatologists. Provided here is a synthesis of proxy records of the mean climate of the mid-Holocene (5–8 ka) along the south eastern Pacific margin and four regions of South America. These regions were selected for the strength and stability of ENSO teleconnections, and located outside the direct influence of the intertropical convergence zone or the southern westerlies in order to avoid the overprinting signal of their insolation-related variations and focus on the relationship between the eastern tropical Pacific and South America. This study is based on a review of published multiproxy data as well as new isotopic data from the Peruvian and Chilean coast. The available evidence indicates that sea-surface temperatures were ∼1–4 °C cooler from the Galapagos to the southern Peruvian coast as a result of increased coastal upwelling forced by changes in longshore windfields. The mean La Niña-like conditions in the eastern South Pacific were associated to aridity in southern Brazil and along the whole South American Pacific coast from central Chile to the Galapagos, and to wetter conditions on the western central Andes. This regional synthesis provides a coherent picture of the South American mean climate that is very similar to the modern precipitation pattern observed during La Niña conditions, suggesting that atmospheric teleconnections linking the South Eastern Pacific to these continental areas were similar in the middle Holocene.

Año: 2012

Palabras claves:

Referencia APA: Carré, M., Azzoug, M., Bentaleb, I., Chase, B., Fontugne, M., & Jackson, D., Ledru, M.P., Maldonado, A et al. (2012). Mid-Holocene mean climate in the south eastern Pacific and its influence on South America. Quaternary International, 253, 55-66.

Species replacement along a linear coastal habitat: phylogeography and speciation in the red alga Mazzaella laminarioides along the south east pacific.


Montecinos, A., Broitman, B., Faugeron, S., Haye, P., Tellier, F., & Guillemin, M.


The Chilean shoreline, a nearly strait line of coast expanding across 35 latitudinal degrees, represents an interesting region to assess historical processes using phylogeographic analyses. Stretching along the temperate section of the East Pacific margin, the region is characterized by intense geologic activity and has experienced drastic geomorphological transformations linked to eustatic and isostatic changes during the Quaternary. In this study, we used two molecular markers to evaluate the existence of phylogeographic discontinuities and detect the genetic footprints of Pleistocene glaciations among Patagonian populations of Mazzaella laminarioides, a low-dispersal benthic intertidal red seaweed that inhabits along ~3,700 km of the Chilean coastal rocky shore.

Año: 2012

Palabras claves: Phylogeography, South East Pacific coast, COI, rbcL, Red seaweed, Parapatric distribution, Sister-species, complex, Pleistocene glaciations

Referencia APA: Montecinos, A., Broitman, B., Faugeron, S., Haye, P., Tellier, F., & Guillemin, M. (2012). Species replacement along a linear coastal habitat: phylogeography and speciation in the red alga Mazzaella laminarioides along the south east pacific. BMC Evol Biol, 12(1), 97.

Implications of farmers’ seed exchanges for on-farm conservation of quinoa, as revealed by its genetic diversity in Chile.


Fuentes, F., Bazile, D., Bhargava, A., & Martínez, E.


Quinoa cultivation in Chile presents an ancient and active complex of geographic, climatic, social and cultural interactions that has determined its current biodiversity in the three main growing zones (north, central and south). Importantly, these interactions involve the participation of farmers, whose activities are at the base of seed exchange networks due to their knowledge and in situ conservation of genetic diversity. The present study reports how a better understanding of farmers’ seed exchanges and local production practices could impact the genetic structure and diversity of quinoa at national scale in Chile. Using field interviews and characterization of 20 microsatellite genetic markers in a multi-origin set of 34 quinoa accessions representative of Chile and the South American region, the phenetic analysis of germplasm was consistent with the current classification of quinoa ecotypes present in Chile and Andean zone. This allowed the identification of five populations, which were represented by quinoa of Salares (northern Chile), Coastal/Lowlands (central and southern Chile), Highlands (Peru, Bolivia and Argentina) and Inter-Andean Valleys (Ecuador and Colombia). The highly informative quality of the markers used revealed a wide genetic diversity among main growing areas in Chile, which correlated well with natural geographical–edaphic–climatic and social–linguistic context to the expansion of quinoa biodiversity. Additionally, in addition to ancient seed exchanges, this process is still governed by the diverse agricultural practices of Andean farmers. Genetic erosion is considered an imminent risk due to small-scale farming, where the influence of increased migration of people to urban systems and export-driven changes to the agro-ecosystems may further reduce the diversity of quinoa plants in cultivation.

Año: 2012

Palabras claves:

Referencia APA: Fuentes, F., Bazile, D., Bhargava, A., & Martínez, E. (2012). Implications of farmers’ seed exchanges for on-farm conservation of quinoa, as revealed by its genetic diversity in Chile. J. Agric. Sci., 150(06), 702-716.

Application of the Watershed Sustainability Index to the Elqui river basin, North-Central Chile


Cortés, A., Oyarzún, R., Kretschmer, N., Chaves, H., Soto, G., & Soto, M. et al.


El índice WSI, desarrollado para estimar la sustentabilidad de una cuenca en forma integrada con énfasis en la gestión de recursos hídricos, fue determinado en la Cuenca del Río Elqui considerando un período de 5 años (2001-2005). La cuenca del Río Elqui se ubica en una región semiárida de Chile, y ha sido incorporada a la red de cuencas hidrográficas del programa HELP de la UNESCO. El resultado fue un valor global de 0.61 para el indicador WSI (en el rango de 0 a 1), calificando el nivel de sustentabilidad como "intermedio". Las mayores fortalezas de la cuenca se relacionaron con los indicadores de Ambiente y de Políticas. Por otro lado, las mayores debilidades observadas en la cuenca se relacionaron con el indicador de Hidrología, debido principalmente a la situación de escasez hídrica. La identificación de estas limitantes representan una oportunidad para mejorar la actual situación en la cuenca, lo que obliga a una coordinación más eficiente entre las diferentes instituciones involucradas en la gestión de los recursos naturales. La aplicación del WSI a la Cuenca de Elqui demostró su utilidad como instrumento analítico asi como herramienta de gestión para autoridades relacionadas con el agua, usuarios y grupos de interés. Sin embargo, la actualización de la información local es necesaria para la planificación a mediano y largo plazo y la formulación de estrategias de desarrollo para esta cuenca y otras.

Año: 2012

Palabras claves: gestión integrada de cuencas, hidrología, ambiente, calidad de vida, políticas

Referencia APA: Cortés, A., Oyarzún, R., Kretschmer, N., Chaves, H., Soto, G., & Soto, M. et al. (2012). Application of the Watershed Sustainability Index to the Elqui river basin, North-Central Chile. Obras Y Proyectos, (12), 57-69.

What do we know about high-altitude precipitation in the semi-arid Andes of Chile?


Bourgin P, Andreassian V, Gascoin S, Valery A.


Mapping precipitations on a regular grid is often required for hydrological and ecological modelling. The spatial interpolation methods are generally used to estimate such a distribution from ground-based measurements. In the case of mountainous areas, the estimation of precipitation amounts is still a challenging task and the results of spatial interpolation should be verified as much as possible. Here we describe a three-steps method for the validation of a precipitation map. This is used in the context of a mountainous semi-arid region, the Norte Chico in Chile (26°S-32°S). The implementation of this validation method showed the benefits of an interpolation method developed by Valéry [2010] for mountainous areas. The hydrological balance of the high-altitude watersheds is now more realistic.

Año: 2012

Palabras claves: Precipitation, spatial interpolation method, extrapolation, altitude, altitudinal corrections, validation, water equivalent, water balance.

Referencia APA: Bourgin P, Andreassian V, Gascoin S, Valery A. (2012). Que sait-on des précipitations en altitude dans les Andes semi-arides du Chili?. La Houille Blanche. 2012;(2):12-17.