
3-D surface properties of glacier penitentes over an ablation season, measured using a Microsoft Xbox Kinect.
Nicholson L. I., Pętlicki M., Partan B., and MacDonell S.
In this study, the first small-scale digital surface models (DSMs) of natural penitentes on a glacier surface were produced using a Microsoft Xbox Kinect sensor on Tapado Glacier, Chile (30°08′ S, 69°55′ W). The surfaces produced by the complete processing chain were within the error of standard terrestrial laser scanning techniques, but insufficient overlap between scanned sections that were mosaicked to cover the sampled areas can result in three-dimensional (3-D) positional errors of up to 0.3 m. Between November 2013 and January 2014 penitentes become fewer, wider and deeper, and the distribution of surface slope angles becomes more skewed to steep faces. Although these morphological changes cannot be captured by manual point measurements, mean surface lowering of the scanned areas was comparable to that derived from manual measurements of penitente surface height at a minimum density of 5 m−1 over a 5 m transverse profile. Roughness was computed on the 3-D surfaces by applying two previously published geometrical formulae: one for a 3-D surface and one for single profiles sampled from the surface. Morphometric analysis shows that skimming flow is persistent over penitentes, providing conditions conducive for the development of a distinct microclimate within the penitente troughs. For each method a range of ways of defining the representative roughness element height was used, and the calculations were done both with and without application of a zero displacement height offset to account for the likelihood of skimming air flow over the closely spaced penitentes. The computed roughness values are on the order of 0.01–0.10 m during the early part of the ablation season, increasing to 0.10–0.50 m after the end of December, in line with the roughest values previously published for glacier ice. Both the 3-D surface and profile methods of computing roughness are strongly dependent on wind direction. However, the two methods contradict each other in that the maximum roughness computed for the 3-D surface coincides with airflow across the penitente lineation, while maximum roughness computed for sampled profiles coincides with airflow along the penitente lineation. These findings highlight the importance of determining directional roughness and wind direction for strongly aligned surface features and also suggest more work is required to determine appropriate geometrical roughness formulae for linearized features.
Año: 2016
Palabras claves:

Dairy slurry application to grasslands and groundwater quality in a volcanic soil.
Huertas, J., Cuevas, J. G., Paulino, L., Salazar, F., Arumí, J. L., & Dörner, J.
Research in volcanic-ash soils has shown that they largely capture the dairy slurry following application to land; however, their hydrological properties would favor nutrient leaching. Our objective was to evaluate the contribution of biogeochemical and hydrological controls on the pollution of groundwater by cattle slurry applied to a permanent grassland growing on a volcanic soil. We sampled groundwater chemistry since 10 months before the fertilization (three samplings), and 16 months after, with samplings 1-2 months after the fertigation. Following fertilization, ammonium, exchangeable potassium, and magnesium soil concentrations increased in the fertilized plots compared to the control plots. In contrast, no effect of slurry on groundwater quality was detected, with the exception of dissolved organic nitrogen, a main component of dairy slurry that increased in the groundwater below the fertilized plots. Despite the fact that biogeochemical controls predominate, hydrological aspects would be important when rainfall is high, evapotranspiration is low, groundwater table level is high, and water movement in the saturated zone increases. We concluded that the application of slurry to pastures under rates comparable to a high fertilization in the short term, does not generally impact the groundwater quality in volcanic ash-derived soils.
Año: 2016
Palabras claves: Andisol; groundwater pollution; hydraulic properties; saturated zone; dissolved organic nitrogen.

Late Holocene environmental changes as recorded in the sediments of high Andean Laguna Chepical, Central Chile (32° S; 3050ma. sl).
Martel-Cea, A., Maldonado, A., Grosjean, M., Alvial, I., de Jong, R., Fritz, S. C., & von Gunten, L.
We present a reconstruction of environmental changes from sediments of high-altitude Laguna Chepical in the subtropical Andes of Central Chile (32°16′S; 70°30′W, 3050 m a.s.l.) for the past 3100 years. Based on subfossil pollen, microscopic charcoal and diatoms, we inferred changes in moisture (related to precipitation) and ice-cover/ice-free season (related to summer temperature) at decadal to millennial scales. Sustained wetter and colder summer temperatures than today prevailed between 1100 BC and ca. AD 1. Afterward, decreasing pollen accumulation rates and increased fire activity suggest drier conditions and possibly enhanced seasonality and/or inter-annual climate variability. Frequent changes between cold and warm summers were observed, particularly for the last 1000 years. About AD 1250 (during the Medieval Climate Anomaly), wet years and early break up of ice-cover occurred in central Chile, which is today typical for El Niño-like mean conditions. Conversely, and with the exception of a few wet pulses, a generally dry period with extended ice-cover (cool summers) was observed between AD 1400 and AD 1850 (Little Ice Age). This can be interpreted as a trend toward more La Niña-like mean conditions. Recent climate change and human disturbances during the last 100 years have prompted changes in diatom and plant communities that are unprecedented in the late Holocene. First, planktonic diatoms increased as a result of hydraulic interventions in the lake during the late 19th century, and secondly, the Andean vegetation shifted upward as result of recent warming, and the frequency of arboreal taxa was significantly reduced. At the same time peaks of fire activity were observed.
Año: 2016
Palabras claves: Late Holocene; ENSO; Pollen; Diatom; Andes; Climate change.

High variability of levels of Aliivibrio and lactic acid bacteria in the intestinal microbiota of farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L.
Godoy, F., Miranda, C., Wittwer, G., Aranda, C., & Calderón, R.
In the present study, the structure of the intestinal microbiota of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) was studied using culture and culture-independent methods. Three adult specimens of S. salar were collected from a commercial salmon farm in Chile, and their intestinal microbiota were studied by partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene of pure cultures as well as of clone libraries. Out of the 74 bacterial isolates, Pseudomonas was the most predominant genus among cultured microbiota. In clone libraries, 325 clones were obtained from three adult fish, and a total of 36 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified. This indicated that lactic acid bacteria (Weissella, Leuconostoc, and Lactococcus genera) comprised more than 50 % of identified clones in two fishes. This was in contrast with the high dominance of a single OTU (99 sequences) of Aliivibrio sp. related to the pathogenic Aliivibrio salmonicida species and the absence of lactic acid bacteria in the third fish, suggesting a condition of an asymptomatic non-healthy carrier. It is clear that molecular identification of 16S rRNA gene libraries obtained from intestinal content samples is effective in determining the overall structure of the intestinal microbiota of farmed Atlantic salmon enabling detection of a minority of taxa not previously reported as part of the intestinal microbiota of salmonids, including the genera Hydrogenophilus, Propionibacterium, Cronobacter, Enhydrobacter, Veillonella, Prevotella, and Atopostipes, as well as to evaluate the health status of farmed fish when evaluating the dominance of potential pathogenic species and the incidence of lactic acid bacteria.
Año: 2015
Palabras claves: Aquaculture, Intestinal microbiota, Aliivibrio, Salmon farming, Salmo salar.

Potential Response to Selection of HSP70 as a Component of Innate Immunity in the Abalone Haliotis rufescens.
Brokordt, K., González, R., Farías, W., & Winkler, F.
Assessing components of the immune system may reflect disease resistance. In some invertebrates, heat shock proteins (HSPs) are immune effectors and have been described as potent activators of the innate immune response. Several diseases have become a threat to abalone farming worldwide; therefore, increasing disease resistance is considered to be a long-term goal for breeding programs. A trait will respond to selection only if it is determined partially by additive genetic variation. The aim of this study was to estimate the heritability (h2) and the additive genetic coefficient of variation (CVA) of HSP70 as a component of innate immunity of the abalone Haliotis rufescens, in order to assess its potential response to selection. These genetic components were estimated for the variations in the intracellular (in haemocytes) and extracellular (serum) protein levels of HSP70 in response to an immunostimulant agent in 60 full-sib families of H. rufescens. Levels of HSP70 were measured twice in the same individuals, first when they were young and again when they were pre-harvest adults, to estimate the repeatability (R), the h2 and the potential response to selection of these traits at these life stages. High HSP70 levels were observed in abalones subjected to immunostimulation in both the intracellular and extracellular haemolymph fractions. This is the first time that changes in serum levels of HSP70 have been reported in response to an immune challenge in molluscs. HSP70 levels in both fractions and at both ages showed low h2 and R, with values that were not significantly different from zero. However, HSP70 induced levels had a CVA of 13.3–16.2% in young adults and of 2.7–8.1% in pre-harvest adults. Thus, despite its low h2, HSP70 synthesis in response to an immune challenge in red abalone has the potential to evolve through selection because of its large phenotypic variation and the presence of additive genetic variance, especially in young animals.
Año: 2015
Palabras claves: Heat shock response, Immune response, Genetic polymorphism, Phenotypes, Young adults, Immune system proteins, Invertebrates, Crop genetics.

Changes of heritability and genetic correlations in production traits over time in red abalone ( Haliotis rufescens ) under culture.
Brokordt, K., Winkler, F., Farías, W., González, R., Castaño, F., Fullsack, P., & Herbinger, C.
Red abalone Haliotis rufescens is one of the most valuable mollusks in the international market, but it has a low growth rate. A breeding program is being developed to increase its growth rate in Chile. We estimated the changes in direct heritability (h2), maternal/common environments heritability (m2) and genetic correlations (rG) of growth traits (shell length and width, total mass, flesh mass and foot protein as an indicator of meat quality) measured during 2 years (every 4 months) from the juvenile stage (27 months) to the adult harvesting age (51 months), in 60 full-sib red abalone families. Heritabilities for growth traits measured in juveniles and young adults (27–35 months of age), were low (0.07–0.17) and not significant. Initial low h2 were associated with significant amounts of maternal/common environmental effects (m2 = 0.4). In young adults and abalone near the harvest age (39–51 months of age) h2 were much higher (0.32–0.75). These results emphasize the importance of multiple estimations of h2 over time. Among meat quality traits, only the h2 for the flesh mass for adults at harvesting age was significant (0.15). We observed strong positive rG (>0.9) between shell sizes (easy to measure) and total and flesh masses (trait more related to market value than shell sizes but harder to measure) for adults at harvesting age. Thus, if the 5% largest 51 month old abalone were selected from the population as broodstock we expect a positively correlated response on flesh mass of 23.4%.
Año: 2015
Palabras claves: Abalone aquaculture; heritability; maternal effects; growth; genetic improvement; Haliotis rufescens.

Predation of Juvenile Jasus frontalis : An Endemic Spiny Lobster of the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile.
Petit, I., Gaymer, C., Palma, Á., & Wahle, R.
This study identified and quantified in the field the natural predators of juvenile spiny lobster Jasus frontalis, an endemic, ecologically relevant species, and the most valuable local commercial catch of Robinson Crusoe Island. It also assessed the predation pressure that these predators exerted on juveniles lobsters and whether they showed preferences for particular body sizes within the juvenile size range. A series of tethering experiments were performed in three coastal sites of Robinson Crusoe Island (Juan Fernández archipelago. Chile). In overnight experiments, survival of juveniles decreased over time in all three sites, reaching ∼50% at the end of the experiment. The evidence suggests that fish were relevant predators since mortality of lobsters was proportional to their abundance. Although video surveillances depicted numerous octopus attacks, their abundance did not exhibit a statistically significant relationship with lobster mortality. Predatory events were not selective of juvenile sizes. These results are fundamental to understand one of the key factor (i.e., predation) that affects the juvenile (and more vulnerable) benthic phase of J. frontalis.
Año: 2015
Palabras claves: Predation, oceanic island, juveniles, lobsters, Jasus frontalis.

First Records of Striped Boarfish Evistias acutirostris and Ornate Butterflyfish Chaetodon ornatissimus from Easter Island 1.
Hernández, S., García, M., Gaymer, C., & Friedlander;, A.
Here we report on two new reef fish species from the remote and isolated Easter Island—the striped boarfish Evistias acutirostris and the ornate butterflyfish Chaetodon ornatissimus were observed during scuba dives and underwater video around Easter Island, as well as at nearby Apolo Seamount. These observations are the first records of these species for the southeastern Pacific, which represents a major extension to their distributions and raises questions about the origins and persistence of reef fishes in remote subtropical locations.
Año: 2015
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Management of marine resources through a local governance perspective: Re-implementation of traditions for marine resource recovery on Easter Island.
Aburto, J., Gaymer, C., Haoa, S., & González, L.
Easter Island (Rapa Nui) is one of the most isolated places in the world. The local Rapanui people have noticed an extreme decline in marine resources, which is due to the exploitation of these resources. Top-down regulations (e.g. fisherman and boat registrations and restrictions on catch-length and fishing season and location) implemented by the central fishery authorities located ∼4000 km from the island do not represent the cultural heritage and interests of the Rapanui people. According to the local people, one of the traditional ways to protect marine resources was the taboo (or tapu in Rapa Nui) that regulated the fish harvest. Key informants were interviewed to assess what they knew about the tapu in fisheries and so that the feasibility of its implementation could be assessed based on current local conditions. The tapu that had the greatest potential impact on regulating open water resources, especially tuna, was the traditional belief that consumption of open-water fish during winter months would cause asthma. According to the interviewees, the real reason for this tapu was to protect the fish during its reproductive period, and the asthma threat was only a way to enforce the restriction. At present, tapu is not respected because of the high economic activity related to the tourism that demands fish like tuna all year. Even though many Rapanui people agree that tapu re-implementation would be the best alternative to recover marine resources, people also think it is difficult to implement under modern conditions. We propose to promote a participatory process for development of a local governance structure that will use local traditions and beliefs, including tapu, to support the local decision-making process for reverting the decline of marine resources.
Año: 2015
Palabras claves: Easter Island; Resource management; TEK; Taboo; Local governance.

Isolation and Characterization of 12 Microsatellite Loci in Soapbark, Quillaja saponaria (Quillajaceae).
Letelier, L., Harvey, N., Valderrama, A., Stoll, A., & González-Rodríguez, A.
Premise of the study: Microsatellite primers were developed for the endemic Chilean tree Quillaja saponaria (Quillajaceae), a common member of the sclerophyllous Mediterranean forest, to investigate intraspecific patterns of genetic diversity and structure.
Methods and Results: Using an enriched library, 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed in Q. saponaria. All loci consisted of dinucleotide repeats. The average number of alleles per locus was 5.3 (2–13), with a total of 64 alleles recorded in 39 individuals from three populations.
Conclusions: The microsatellite markers described here are the first characterized for Q. saponaria. The polymorphic loci will be useful in studies of genetic diversity and genetic population differentiation in natural populations of this species.
Año: 2015
Palabras claves: Chile, microsatellites, Quillaja saponaria, Quillajaceae, soapbark.