
Multi-method assessment of connectivity between surface water and shallow groundwater: the case of Limarí River basin, north-central Chile.
Oyarzún, R., Barrera, F., Salazar, P., Maturana, H., Oyarzún, J., & Aguirre, E. et al.
A study that tests the applicability and consistency of independent but complementary approaches in the assessment of interactions between surface water and shallow groundwater within a water-stressed basin is described. The mostly agricultural Limarí basin in arid north-central Chile was chosen as a suitable case study. The analyses involved: (1) a connectivity index method, (2) hydrochemistry, and (3) water isotopic geochemistry. Chemical and isotopic data were obtained from two sampling campaigns conducted in April (fall) and December (summer) of 2011 in 22 sampling locations, which included surface water and groundwater. The results obtained by each of the methodologies were mutually consistent and indicate high connectivity conditions. Additionally, the relative contribution by different sources was assessed through end-member mixing analysis, and for reaches of the river that showed gaining conditions, the contribution of groundwater inflow to stream discharge was estimated. It is suggested that this multi-method approach is useful for the characterization of surface-water–groundwater interactions, since it at least represents a suitable starting point for obtaining basic information on these relationships. Thus, it may become the base for further studies in arid and semi-arid basins facing water management challenges.
Año: 2014
Palabras claves: Stable isotopes, RadonOver-allocated basin, Arid regions, Chile.

Glacier meltwater flow paths and storage in a geomorphologically complex glacial foreland: The case of the Tapado glacier, dry Andes of Chile (30°S).
Pourrier, J., Jourde, H., Kinnard, C., Gascoin, S., & Monnier, S.
The Tapado catchment is located in the upper Elqui river basin (4000–5550 m) in northern Chile. It comprises the Tapado glacial complex, which is an assemblage of the Tapado glacier and the glacial foreland (debris-covered glacier, rock glacier, and moraines). Although the hydrological functioning of this catchment is poorly known, it is assumed to actively supply water to the lower semi-arid areas of the Elqui river basin. To improve our knowledge of the interactions and water transfers between the cryospheric compartment (glacier, debris-covered glacier, and rock glacier) and the hydrological compartment (aquifers, streams), the results of monitoring of meteorological conditions, as well as discharge, conductivity and temperature of streams and springs located in the Tapado catchment were analyzed. The hydrological results are compared to results inferred from a ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey of the underground structure of the glacial foreland. Water production from the Tapado glacier was shown to be highly correlated with daily and monthly weather conditions, particularly solar radiation and temperature. The resulting daily and monthly streamflow cycles were buffered by the glacial foreland, where underground transfers took place through complex flow paths. However, the development of a thermokarst drainage network in a portion of the glacial foreland enabled rapid concentrated water transfers that reduced the buffer effect. The glacial foreland was shown to act as a reservoir, storing water during high melt periods and supplying water to downstream compartments during low melt periods. GPR observations revealed the heterogeneity of the internal structure of the glacial foreland, which is composed of a mixture of ice and rock debris mixture, with variable spatial ice content, including massive ice lenses. This heterogeneity may explain the abovementioned hydrological behaviors. Finally, calculation of a partial hydrological budget confirmed the importance of the Tapado catchment in supplying water to lower areas of the Elqui river basin. Water production from, and transfer through, cryospheric compartments, and its subsequent interactions with hydrological compartments are key processes driving the summer water supply from the Tapado catchment.
Año: 2014
Palabras claves: Cryosphere hydrology; Debris-covered glacier; Rock glacier; Thermokarst; Water transfers; Semiarid Andes.

Water Quality Assessment of the Mining-Impacted Elqui River Basin, Chile.
Ribeiro, L., Kretschmer, N., Nascimento, J., Buxo, A., Rötting, T., & Soto, G., Soto, M., Oyarzún, J., Maturana, H., Oyarzún, R.
Multivariate data analysis techniques were used to identify the interrelationships between the physical–chemical analyses of 22 parameters sampled monthly from 1991 to 2007 at 16 monitoring stations along the Elqui river and its tributaries to characterize the scale of the geogenic and anthropogenic impacts on the river’s water quality. Principal component analysis was used to identify the differences and similarities between variables in the watershed. Factorial indices, computed to highlight the sections of the river and tributaries more influenced by hydrothermal, mining or agricultural activities, made it possible to synthesize groups of parameters with similar characteristics into a single value.
Año: 2014
Palabras claves: Acid drainage, Arid zones, Elqui river, Mining pollution, PCA.

Albedo over rough snow and ice surfaces.
Lhermitte, S., Abermann, J., & Kinnard, C.
Both satellite and ground-based broadband albedo measurements over rough and complex terrain show several limitations concerning feasibility and representativeness. To assess these limitations and understand the effect of surface roughness on albedo, firstly, an intrasurface radiative transfer (ISRT) model is combined with albedo measurements over different penitente surfaces on Glaciar Tapado in the semi-arid Andes of northern Chile. Results of the ISRT model show effective albedo reductions over the penitentes up to 0.4 when comparing the rough surface albedo relative to the albedo of the flat surface. The magnitude of these reductions primarily depends on the opening angles of the penitentes, but the shape of the penitentes and spatial variability of the material albedo also play a major role.
Secondly, the ISRT model is used to reveal the effect of using albedo measurements at a specific location (i.e., apparent albedo) to infer the true albedo of a penitente field (i.e., effective albedo). This effect is especially strong for narrow penitentes, resulting in sampling biases of up to ±0.05. The sampling biases are more pronounced when the sensor is low above the surface, but remain relatively constant throughout the day. Consequently, it is important to use a large number of samples at various places and/or to locate the sensor sufficiently high in order to avoid this sampling bias of surface albedo over rough surfaces. Thirdly, the temporal evolution of broadband albedo over a penitente-covered surface is analyzed to place the experiments and their uncertainty into a longer temporal context. Time series of albedo measurements at an automated weather station over two ablation seasons reveal that albedo decreases early in the ablation season. These decreases stabilize from February onwards with variations being caused by fresh snowfall events. The 2009/2010 and 2011/2012 seasons differ notably, where the latter shows lower albedo values caused by larger penitentes. Finally, a comparison of the ground-based albedo observations with Landsat and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)-derived albedo showed that both satellite albedo products capture the albedo evolution with root mean square errors of 0.08 and 0.15, respectively, but also illustrate their shortcomings related to temporal resolution and spatial heterogeneity over small mountain glaciers.
Año: 2014
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Hydrologic landscape classification assesses streamflow vulnerability to climate change in Oregon, USA.
Leibowitz, S., Comeleo, R., Wigington, P., Weaver, C., Morefield, P., Sproles, E., & Ebersole, J.
Classification can allow for evaluations of the hydrologic functions of landscapes and their responses to stressors. Here we demonstrate the use of a hydrologic landscape (HL) approach to evaluate vulnerability to potential future climate change at statewide and basin scales in the state of Oregon. The HL classification has five components: climate, seasonality, aquifer permeability, terrain, and soil permeability. We evaluate changes when the 1971–2000 HL climate indices are recalculated using 2041–2070 simulation results from the ECHAM (European Centre HAMburg) and PCM (Parallel Climate Model) climate models with the A2, A1b, and B1 emission scenarios. Changes in climate class were modest (4–18%) statewide. However, there were major changes in seasonality class for five of the six realizations (excluding PCM_B1): Oregon shifts from being 13% snow-dominated to 4–6% snow-dominated under these five realizations, representing a 56–68% reduction in snowmelt-dominated area. At the basin scale, simulated changes for the Siletz Basin, in Oregon's Coast Range, include a small switch from very wet to wet climate, with no change in seasonality. However, there is a modest increase in fall and winter water due to increased precipitation. For the Sandy Basin, on the western slope of the Cascades, HL climate class does not change, but there are major changes in seasonality, especially for areas with low aquifer permeability, which experiences a 100% loss of spring seasonality. This would reduce summer baseflow, but effects could potentially be mitigated by streamflow buffering effects provided by groundwater in the high aquifer permeability portions of the upper Sandy. The Middle Fork John Day Basin (MFJD), in northeastern Oregon, is snowmelt-dominated. The basin experiences a net loss of wet and moist climate area, along with an increase in dry climate area. The MFJD also experiences major shifts from spring to winter seasonality, representing a 20–60% reduction in snowmelt-dominated area. Altered seasonality and/or magnitude of seasonal streamflows could potentially affect survival, growth and reproduction of salmonids in these watersheds, with the greatest effects projected for the MFJD. A major strength of the HL approach is that results can be applied to similarly classified, ungaged basins. Information resulting from such evaluations can help inform management responses to climate change at regional and basin scales without requiring detailed modeling efforts.
Año: 2014
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How does spatial variability of climate affect catchment streamflow predictions?.
Patil, S., Wigington, P., Leibowitz, S., Sproles, E., & Comeleo, R.
Spatial variability of climate can negatively affect catchment streamflow predictions if it is not explicitly accounted for in hydrologic models. In this paper, we examine the changes in streamflow predictability when a hydrologic model is run with spatially variable (distributed) meteorological inputs instead of spatially uniform (lumped) meteorological inputs. Both lumped and distributed versions of the EXP-HYDRO model are implemented at 41 meso-scale (500–5000 km2) catchments in the Pacific Northwest region of USA. We use two complementary metrics of long-term spatial climate variability, moisture homogeneity index (IM) and temperature variability index (ITV), to analyze the performance improvement with distributed model. Results show that the distributed model performs better than the lumped model in 38 out of 41 catchments, and noticeably better (>10% improvement) in 13 catchments. Furthermore, spatial variability of moisture distribution alone is insufficient to explain the observed patterns of model performance improvement. For catchments with low moisture homogeneity (IM < 80%), IM is a better predictor of model performance improvement than ITV; whereas for catchments with high moisture homogeneity (IM > 80%), ITV is a better predictor of performance improvement than IM. Based on the results, we conclude that: (1) catchments that have low homogeneity of moisture distribution are the obvious candidates for using spatially distributed meteorological inputs, and (2) catchments with a homogeneous moisture distribution benefit from spatially distributed meteorological inputs if they also have high spatial variability of precipitation phase (rain vs. snow).
Año: 2014
Palabras claves: Hydrologic model; Climate variability; Streamflow; Catchment.

Albedo variations and the impact of clouds on glaciers in the Chilean semi-arid Andes.
Abermann, J., Kinnard, C., & MacDonell, S.
Albedo variations are presented at two on-glacier sites in the semi-arid Andes, Chile, with >3 years of continuous measurements. Although <2 km apart and at similar elevations, the sites show significantly different albedo cycles. Whereas Toro 1 exhibits a clear seasonal cycle, Guanaco reveals a more complicated pattern, as exposed ice can occur in any month of the year. Daily albedo values are as low as 0.18 for debris-covered Toro 1, while minima are higher on Guanaco (0.38). A method is presented to discern cloud-free from cloudy conditions using measured incoming shortwave radiation only. A cloud climatology is provided showing very low cloudiness values. We see that effective cloud cover relates inversely to cloud occurrence (i.e. either more but thin or fewer but thick clouds). The cloud-free diurnal albedo cycle is pronounced, with lowest values around noon. Clouds increase albedo by 0.04 as a median hourly value, and 0.20 for the 95% quantile. There is a positive relationship between effective cloud cover and resulting albedo rise. Calculations as to whether the diurnal albedo cycle or the effect of clouds on albedo should be considered in energy-balance estimations show that the former is necessary whereas the latter can be neglected in the semi-arid Andes.
Año: 2014
Palabras claves: Energy Balance; Glacier Mass Balance; Glacier Meteorology; Ice/atmosphere Interactions

Unusual forest growth decline in boreal North America covaries with the retreat of Arctic sea ice.
Girardin, M., Guo, X., De Jong, R., Kinnard, C., Bernier, P., & Raulier, F.
The 20th century was a pivotal period at high northern latitudes as it marked the onset of rapid climatic warming brought on by major anthropogenic changes in global atmospheric composition. In parallel, Arctic sea ice extent has been decreasing over the period of available satellite data records. Here, we document how these changes influenced vegetation productivity in adjacent eastern boreal North America. To do this, we used normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data, model simulations of net primary productivity (NPP) and tree-ring width measurements covering the last 300 years. Climatic and proxy-climatic data sets were used to explore the relationships between vegetation productivity and Arctic sea ice concentration and extent, and temperatures. Results indicate that an unusually large number of black spruce (Picea mariana) trees entered into a period of growth decline during the late-20th century (62% of sampled trees; n = 724 cross sections of age >70 years). This finding is coherent with evidence encoded in NDVI and simulated NPP data. Analyses of climatic and vegetation productivity relationships indicate that the influence of recent climatic changes in the studied forests has been via the enhanced moisture stress (i.e. greater water demands) and autotrophic respiration amplified by the declining sea ice concentration in Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait. The recent decline strongly contrasts with other growth reduction events that occurred during the 19th century, which were associated with cooling and high sea ice severity. The recent decline of vegetation productivity is the first one to occur under circumstances related to excess heat in a 300-year period, and further culminates with an intensifying wildfire regime in the region. Our results concur with observations from other forest ecosystems about intensifying temperature-driven drought stress and tree mortality with ongoing climatic changes.
Año: 2014
Palabras claves: Bayesian; Canada; carbon; climate change; multivariate adaptive regression splines; process-based model 3PG; Quebec; regime shifts; satellite imagery; wavelet coherency.

Geomorphology, internal structure, and successive development of a glacier foreland in the semiarid Chilean Andes (Cerro Tapado, upper Elqui Valley, 30°08′ S., 69°55′ W.).
Monnier, S., Kinnard, C., Surazakov, A., & Bossy, W.
We use geomorphological analysis, sedimentological survey, remote sensing, and ground penetrating radar (GPR) in order to understand the complex landform assemblage found in front of the Cerro Tapado glacier in the upper Elqui River catchment, semiarid Andes of Chile. The geomorphological analysis highlights prominent boundaries dividing the landform assemblage into (from the upper part to the lower part) an upper latero-frontal moraine complex, an upper debris-covered glacier, a lower debris-covered glacier, two rock glaciers, and a lower morainic complex. The sedimentological survey highlights the rather small size of the surface debris (in general < 20 cm) and the predominance of porphyritic rhyolite. Remote sensing data show that, between 1956 and 2010, considerable (> 400 m) receding of the glacier occurred, along with downslope displacements (dm–m·y− 1) of most of the landform units and a significant evolution of the thermokarst features on the debris-covered glaciers. Considerable surface lowering occurred in the upper part of the assemblage, while localized bulging is seen along the morphological boundaries in the lower units. The GPR profiles highlight spectacular internal structure in the upper debris-covered glacier with up to 80 m of buried ice. In the other landform units, the internal structure is less visible and more heterogeneous. The analysis of the radar wave velocity along the GPR profiles reveals the occurrence of air-filled and moist zones in the internal structure. The geomorphological assemblage is fundamentally characterized by its morphological, structural, and dynamical boundaries and defined as a young (probably < 2000 years) polygenetic construction with landform units having added to/overlapped one another. The rock glaciers do not derive from the present debris-covered glacier but preexist to it.
Año: 2014
Palabras claves: Landform assemblage; Debris-covered glacier; Rock glacier; Moraines; Ground-penetrating radar; Subsurface ice.

Recession flow analysis as a suitable tool for hydrogeological parameter determination in steep, arid basins.
Oyarzún, R., Godoy, R., Núñez, J., Fairley, J., Oyarzún, J., Maturana, H., & Freixas, G
The analysis of baseflow recession of streamflow has been widely used in the evaluation of basin scale parameters because the required data are inexpensive to acquire, and the method is easy to use and generally gives good results. A literature review, however, shows that few studies have examined the applicability of recession methods to arid basins, particularly those set in mountainous landscapes. In this study, we apply a recession method that uses a non-dimensional theoretical curve matching technique to evaluate basin-wide, spatially-averaged hydraulic parameters for several watersheds (Culebrón, Punitaqui, Valle Hermoso, Hurtado, Chalinga, and Camisas), taking as case of study the Coquimbo Region, an arid, mountainous territory with steep topography in North-Central Chile. The studied watersheds range from 200 to 1500 km2. Results show hydraulic conductivity values in a reasonable range, i.e., 10−4 to 10−6 m s−1, rather close to those reported in the few existing studies for some of the basins. The method also yields estimates on the order of 10−5 for drainable porosity, with no major differences between the basins. The recession flow analysis provides a cost-effective approach to obtaining bulk hydrological parameters in arid and semi-arid steep basins such as those of the Coquimbo Region and elsewhere.
Año: 2014
Palabras claves: Boussinesq equation; Coquimbo Region; Drainable porosity; Hydraulic conductivity; Hydrogeology.