
Combined Infrared-Convective Drying of Murta ( Ugni molinae Turcz) Berries: Kinetic Modeling and Quality Assessment.
Puente-Díaz, L., Ah-Hen, K., Vega-Gálvez, A., Lemus-Mondaca, R., & Scala, K.
Murta (Ugni molinae Turcz) berries were dried under convective and combined convective-infrared conditions at 40, 50 and 60°C and 400–800 W in order to determine the drying characteristics and to compare the dried product's quality. To model the drying kinetics, seven mathematical equations were fitted to experimental data. According to statistical tests performed, the Midilli-Kuçuk model best fitted experimental data and was closely followed by the logarithmic model. Effective moisture diffusivity also showed dependency on drying conditions and varied between 7.59 × 10−10 to 44.18 × 10−10 m2/s and 11.34 × 10−10 to 85.41 × 10−10 m2/s for air-convective drying and combined infrared-convective drying. As to quality attributes of the berries, total surface color difference (ΔE) and total phenolic content (TPC) were determined. It was found that chromaticity coefficients a* and b* changed significantly, showing ΔE to be dependent on the mode of heat supply. TPC under all drying conditions decreased and was significantly different from the initial value in fresh samples. However, at a constant drying temperature, an increase in infrared power enhanced retention of TPC in samples. In particular, working at 40°C/800 W resulted in dried samples with the highest TPC.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Drying kinetics modeling, Infrared drying, Murta berries, Quality of dried fruit.

Effect of Rehydration Temperature on Functional Properties, Antioxidant Capacity and Structural Characteristics of Apple ( Granny Smith ) Slices in Relation to Mass Transfer Kinetics.
Zura-Bravo, L., Ah-Hen, K., Vega-Gálvez, A., García-Segovia, P., & Lemus-Mondaca, R.
Apple slices dried at 60C were rehydrated at 20, 40 and 60C to analyze the influence of processing temperature on quality attributes and rehydration kinetics. Diffusion coefficient increased with process temperature from 1.36 to 2.37 × 10−9 m2/s. The Weibull model obtained the best fit quality for the experimental data based on statistical test, chi square. Color was not recovered during rehydration and the results indicated that the use of low temperatures is more adequate. Water-holding capacity decreased, while rehydration ratio increased with increasing rehydration temperature, indicating structural modifications. Increasing rehydration temperatures led to a reduction in the glass transition temperature and hardness values of samples. The radical-scavenging activity showed higher antioxidant activity at higher rehydration temperatures rather than at lower temperatures. It was found that rehydration temperature modifies the cell structure and antioxidant capacity of final product.
Año: 2013
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Role of shellfish hatchery as a reservoir of antimicrobial resistant bacteria.
Miranda, C., Rojas, R., Garrido, M., Geisse, J., & González, G.
The main aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of resistant bacteria in florfenicol-treated and untreated scallop larval cultures from a commercial hatchery and to characterize some selected florfenicol-resistant strains. Larval cultures from untreated and treated rearing tanks exhibited percentages of copiotrophic bacteria resistant to florfenicol ranging from 0.03% to 10.67% and 0.49–18.34%, respectively, whereas florfenicol resistance among oligotrophic bacteria varied from 1.44% to 35.50% and 3.62–95.71%, from untreated and treated larvae, respectively. Florfenicol resistant microbiota from reared scallop larvae mainly belonged to the Pseudomonas and Pseudoalteromonas genus and were mainly resistant to florfenicol, chloramphenicol, streptomycin and co-trimoxazole. This is the first study reporting antimicrobial resistant bacteria associated to a shellfish hatchery and the results suggest that a continuous surveillance of antimicrobial resistance even in absence of antibacterial therapy is urgently required to evaluate potential undesirable consequences on the surrounding environments.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Florfenicol; Heterotrophic bacteria; Antimicrobial resistance; Scallop culture; Chile; Hatchery.

Influence of contrasting environments on seed composition of two quinoa genotypes: nutritional and functional properties.
Miranda, M., Vega-Gálvez, A., Martínez, E., López, J., Marín, R., Aranda, M., & Fuentes, F.
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in Chile represents a source of germplasm with high nutritional value. However, there is little information available related to quinoa seed quality grown under contrasting environments. In this study we evaluated the changes on seed composition of seeds of two lowland/coastal quinoa genotypes grown under arid (Vicuna) and cold-temperate (Temuco) conditions in Chile. Results showed that in the case of 'Regalona Baer' and 'Villarrica' genotypes the arid location (with irrigation) led to a significant increase (P < 0.05) in grain yield (4.2 and 5.1 t ha-1, respectively), soluble dietary fiber (16.8 ± 0.4 and 28.9 ± 2.1 g kg-1 DM, respectively), vitamin B3 (2.44 ± 0.005 and 2.26 ± 0.04 mg 100 g-1 DM, respectively), saponins (3.22 ± 0.38 mg 100 g-1 DM, 'Regalona Baer'), phenolic compounds (19.2 ± 5.48 and 31.92 ± 1.14 mg gallic acid 100 g-1 DM, respectively) and components of proximate analysis, except protein content. The cold-temperate climate (rainfed) affected positively seed size (2.22 ± 0.17 mm 'Villarrica') and 1000 seed weight (3.08 ± 0.08 and 3.29 ± 0.08 g, respectively), as well as insoluble dietary fiber content (112.3 ± 23.8 g kg-1 DM, 'Regalona Baer'). Furthermore, vitamin C was higher in 'Regalona Baer' genotype at arid locality (31.22 ± 4.2 mg 100 g-1 DM), but much higher content was registered in 'Villarrica' genotype at cold-temperate climate (49.3 ± 5.36 mg 100 g-1 DM). The environment-induced relationship among variables and genotypes was consistent with principal component analysis (PCA). The arid region of Vicuna in Chile represents a potential area for quinoa cultivation for lowland/coastal quinoa genotypes, whose nutritional and functional features were affected positively, due to the much more stressing climatic conditions.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Chenopodium quinoa, climate stress, antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds, protein, mineral content.

A kinetic approach to saponin extraction during washing of quinoa ( Chenopodium Quinoa Willd.) seeds.
Quispe-Fuentes, I., Vega-Gálvez, A., Miranda, M., Lemus-Mondaca, R., Lozano, M., & Ah-Hen, K.
The aim of this work was to show that the leaching process of saponins from quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) seeds during washing with water, as is generally practiced by people in South America, can be modeled using mathematical expressions related to Fick's second law. Experimental data were obtained through batch extraction with a ratio of quinoa to water of 1:10 under constant agitation for processing time between 15 and 120 min at 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60C. It was found that residual saponin concentration in the quinoa seeds decreased as washing temperature increased. Leaching rate followed the Arrhenius relationship, with calculated effective saponin diffusion coefficient between (5.05 ± 0.15) × 10−10 and (32.50 ± 1.65) × 10−10 m2/s as the temperature increased from 20 to 60C. Several mathematical models to describe the kinetic behavior of the leaching process were analyzed. The modified Henderson–Pabis model had the best fit quality as shown by statistical analysis.
Año: 2013
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Quality Characterization of Waste Olive Cake During Hot Air Drying: Nutritional Aspects and Antioxidant Activity.
Uribe, E., Lemus-Mondaca, R., Vega-Gálvez, A., López, L., Pereira, K., & López, J., Ah-Hen, K., Di Scala, K.
Olive cake, a by-product of the olive oil industry, was characterised through a drying process, where the influence of air drying temperature on physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity was investigated. A comparison of fresh and dehydrated olive cake showed that drying led mainly to denaturation of crude protein. Crude fibre content showed a slight increase during drying and may have undergone some alterations in its structure due to Maillard reactions. Fatty acid analysis revealed that olive cake was especially rich in oleic acid and fatty acid composition did not significantly change during drying. Ash content also showed a slight variation but may be considered as practically unchanged. Potassium and sodium were respectively the most and the least abundant minerals found in olive cake. Total phenolic content showed a direct relationship to DPPH radical scavenging activity. Overall antioxidant activity, highest in fresh olive cake, was affected by air drying temperatures being more evident at 90 °C. Vitamin E showed an increasing trend at all drying temperatures. According to this investigation, convective dehydration can lead not only to a dried olive cake that can be used as a material for many processing industries (e.g. food and cosmetic) but also can contribute to minimize the environmental impacts of this agro-industrial waste.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Olive cake, Convective dehydration, Phenolic compounds, DPPH, Antioxidant activity, Vitamin E.

Chemical and physical properties of aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel stored after high hydrostatic pressure processing.
Scala, K., Vega-Gálvez, A., Ah-Hen, K., Nuñez-Mancilla, Y., Tabilo-Munizaga, G., Pérez-Won, M., & Giovagnoli, C.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of high hydrostatic pressure (150, 250, 350, 450, and 550 MPa), applied for 5 minutes, on antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content, color, firmness, rehydration ratio, and water holding capacity of aloe vera gel stored for 60 days at 4 °C. The analyzed properties of the pressurized gel showed significant changes after the storage period. The highest value of total phenolic content was found at 550 MPa. However, a decrease in the antioxidant capacity was observed for all pressurized gel samples when compared to the control sample (p < 0.05). The smallest changes in product color were observed at pressure levels between 150 and 250 MP. The application of high hydrostatic pressure resulted in lower gel firmness, and the lowest value was found at 150 MPa (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the untreated sample showed a greater decrease in firmness, indicating that high pressure processing preserves this property. The application of high hydrostatic pressure exhibited modifications in the food matrix, which were evaluated in terms of rehydration ratio and water holding capacity.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Antioxidant capacity; total phenolics; quality; aloe vera.

Rehydration Capacity of Chilean Papaya (Vasconcellea pubescens): Effect of Process Temperature on Kinetic Parameters and Functional Properties.
Zura, L., Uribe, E., Lemus-Mondaca, R., Saavedra-Torrico, J., Vega-Gálvez, A., & Di Scala, K.
Slabs of Chilean papaya hot air-dried at 60 °C were rehydrated at 20, 40, 60, and 80 °C to study the influence of process temperature on mass transfer kinetics during rehydration. Diffusive and empirical models were selected to simulate the experimental rehydration curves. All models parameters showed dependence with temperature, thus activation energy could be estimated according to an Arrhenius-type equation. Among the applied models, Weibull provided the best fit for each rehydration curve based on the statistical tests RMSE, SSE, and chi-square. According to these results, this model could be used to estimate the rehydration time of Chilean papaya. In addition, rehydration ratio and water-holding capacity were analyzed. Both indices showed a decrease with increasing rehydration temperature indicating modification of the papaya cell structure due to thermal treatment which resulted in a reduction of the rehydration ability, in particular at high rehydration temperatures.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Chilean papaya, Rehydration kinetics, Mathematical modeling, Water-holding capacity, Rehydration ratio.

Osmotic dehydration under high hydrostatic pressure: Effects on antioxidant activity, total phenolics compounds, vitamin C and colour of strawberry (Fragaria vesca).
Nuñez-Mancilla, Y., Pérez-Won, M., Uribe, E., Vega-Gálvez, A., & Di Scala, K.
Simultaneous application of osmotic dehydration under high hydrostatic pressure conditions of strawberries was studied with the purpose of analyzing the effect of the combined process on the antioxidant capacity, phenolic compounds, colour and vitamin C of strawberries during refrigerated storage. The osmotic solution was prepared using commercial sugar at 40 °Brix. Samples were pressurized between 100 and 500 MPa for 10 min. The radical scavenging activity showed higher antioxidant activity at 400 MPa rather than at low pressure (100, 200 and 300 MPa). The total phenolic content increased with pressure presenting a maximum at 400 MPa. Pressurized samples retained vitamin C content. Based on these results, working at 400 MPa for 10 min ensures physicochemical and high levels of nutritional parameters in osmo-dried strawberries.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Osmotic dehydration; High hydrostatic pressure; Antioxidant capacity; Total phenolic content; Colour; Vitamin C; Strawberry

Naturalised grapevines collected from arid regions in Northern Chile exhibit a high level of genetic diversity.
Milla-Tapia, A., Gómez, S., Moncada, X., León, P., Ibacache, A., & Rosas, M. et al.
Over 150 grapevine accessions were collected and characterised using 11 Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) markers, to determine the genetic diversity and to propose a population structuring. SSR diversity was high, with observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.87) greater than expected heterozygosity (He = 0.70). Three discrete genetic groups were identified, which did not show any association with geographical distribution. Groups 1 (G1) and G3 had a higher level of genetic diversity and also an important level of heterozygosity.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Arid regions; genetic structure; germplasm; naturalised grapevines; Vitis.