
Is Physiological Performance a Good Predictor for Fitness? Insights from an Invasive Plant Species.
Molina-Montenegro, M., Salgado-Luarte, C., Oses, R., & Torres-Díaz, C.
Is physiological performance a suitable proxy of fitness in plants? Although, several studies have been conducted to measure some fitness-related traits and physiological performance, direct assessments are seldom found in the literature. Here, we assessed the physiology-fitness relationship using second-generation individuals of the invasive plant species Taraxacum officinale from 17 localities distributed in five continents. Specifically, we tested if i) the maximum quantum yield is a good predictor for seed-output ii) whether this physiology-fitness relationship can be modified by environmental heterogeneity, and iii) if this relationship has an adaptive consequence for T. officinale individuals from different localities. Overall, we found a significant positive relationship between the maximum quantum yield and fitness for all localities evaluated, but this relationship decreased in T. officinale individuals from localities with greater environmental heterogeneity. Finally, we found that those individuals from localities where environmental conditions are highly seasonal performed better under heterogeneous environmental conditions. Contrarily, under homogeneous controlled conditions, those individuals from localities with low environmental seasonality performed much better. In conclusion, our results suggest that the maximum quantum yield seem to be good predictors for plant fitness. We suggest that rapid measurements, such as those obtained from the maximum quantum yield, could provide a straightforward proxy of individual’s fitness in changing environments.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Plant physiology, Photosynthesis, Seeds, Physiological adaptation, Chlorophyll, Rain, Invasive species, Ecophysiology.

Different photoprotective responses under drought conditions of two predominant Chilean swamp forest species.
Bascuñán-Godoy, L., Alcaíno, C., Carvajal, D., Sanhueza, C., Montecinos, S., & Maldonado, A.
Myrceugenia exsucca (DC.) O.Berg (Myrtaceae) and Luma chequen (Molina) A. Gray (Myrtaceae) are two predominants species from swamp forests of Chile. These species present differential microhabitat distribution across soil moisture and north-south precipitation gradients, with only L. chequen being commonly found in lower moisture sites. It is hypothesized that L. chequen has greater plasticity than M. exsucca in the attributes involved in photoprotection under drought conditions. To test this hypothesis: both species were exposed to short term drought treatment. A group of individuals was maintained irrigated (with of -0.58 and -0.73 MPa for M. exsucca and L. chequen, respectively), while another group was exposed to drought treatment with around -1.4 MPa ( D). High relationship was founded between relative water content (RWC) and water potential () forM. exsucca (r2= 0.74) more than for L. chequen (r2= 0.46), indicating thatM. exsucca experienced larger dehydration during the drought treatment. As functional attributes of photosynthetic apparatus, amount of total chlorophyll and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameter levels were studied in both species. The results show that L. chequen reduced total content of chlorophylls and maximum efficiency of PSII (Fv / Fm) related to decrease of energy capture increasing significantly the thermal dissipation (qN). On the other hand, M. exsucca does not change these parameters, but significantly reduced the level of photochemical processes (qL), indicating an energy imbalance. The results indicate M. exsucca has less plasticity than L. chequen under drought conditions. It is believed that these differences may be crucial in the establishment period and may be influencing the limited distribution ofM. exsucca in sites with lower water availability.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Thermal dissipation, water potential, native plants, Myrtaceae family, wetland plants.

Isolation with differentiation followed by expansion with admixture in the tunicate Pyura chilensis.
Haye, P. & Muñoz-Herrera, N.
For Pyura chilensis, partial sequences of the gene COI revealed three highly supported haplogroups that diverged 260000 to 470000 years ago. Two haplogroups currently are widely distributed and sympatric, while one is dominant only in Los Molinos (LM, 39°50′S). The two widespread COI haplogroups underwent a geographic expansion during an interglacial period of the Late Pleistocene ca. 100000 years ago. The nuclear gene was less divergent and did not resolve the COI haplogroups. Bayesian clustering of the nuclear gene’s SNPs revealed that individuals from the two widespread COI haplogroups were mostly assigned to two of the three detected clusters and had a marked degree of admixture. The third cluster predominated in LM and showed low admixture. Haplotypic diversity of both genes was very high, there was no isolation by distance, and most localities were genetically undifferentiated; only LM was consistently differentiated with both genes analyzed.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Phylogeography, Genetic structure, Dispersal potential, Short-lived larvae, Connectivity, Biofouling, COI, Elongation Factor 1 alpha.

Environmental Hypoxia Reduces the Escape Response Capacity of Juvenile and Adult Scallops Argopecten purpuratus.
Brokordt, K., Pérez, H., & Campos, F.
Natural beds and cultures of the scallop Argopecten purpuratus are exposed to hypoxia periodically because they are located near upwelling zones. We evaluated the effects of environmental hypoxia on juvenile and adult scallops' escape responses and recovery capacities using 3 different hypoxic cycle (i.e., a gradual decrease and increase of dissolved oxygen) trials. Trials 1 and 2 consisted of single (1-day) hypoxic cycles; trial 3 included exposure to several consecutive daily hypoxic cycles over 7 days, which occurs in the natural environment. Trial 1 evaluated the combined effects of energy demands from escape responses and metabolism on escape responses. during environmental hypoxia. Trial 2 evaluated only the effect of environmental hypoxia on the escape responses. Before and after the hypoxic cycles, the scallops were exposed to their main predator, the sea star Meyenaster gelatinosus. We evaluated 6 indicators of the scallops' escape response: reaction time, the total number of claps, duration of the clapping response until exhaustion, clapping speed, the proportion of claps, and recovery clapping rate after a recuperation of 5 min or 10 min (for juveniles and adults, respectively). The combined effect of functional and environmental hypoxia (trial 1) affected both juvenile and adult escape responses, with a reduction in their number of claps (15% and 25%, respectively), the clapping rate in juveniles (17%), and the clapping time in adults (19%). However, environmental hypoxia alone (trial 2) affected juvenile escape responses only, with a reduction in their number of claps (18%) and clapping rate (17%). After hypoxic exposure in trial 3, adults only showed a reduced escape capacity (clap number and clapping time of 16% and 17%, respectively), although both adult and juvenile scallops had a reduced capacity to recuperate their initial clap number (18% and 23%, respectively) and clapping rate (21% and 17%, respectively). Recovery capacity was associated with a strong reduction in phasic muscle carbohydrates during this period. Overall, hypoxia reduced the escape capacity of A. purpuratus, which may implicate a higher vulnerability to predation (for natural populations) and a decreased physiological status to support other stress factors (for cultured or natural populations).
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Hypoxia, scallops, escape response, Argopecten purpuratus.

Daidzein and Genistein contents in seeds of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) from local ecotypes grown in arid Chile.
Lutz, M., Martínez, A., & Martínez, E.
The contents of bioactive compounds of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) are poorly known. We analyzed two isoflavones (daidzein and genistein) by HPLC in three local ecotypes of quinoa seeds from three different geographical and genetic regions in Chile: (a) Extreme North, with prevailing conditions of high temperature and dryness (local ecotype R49); (b) Center, with milder climate (local ecotype UdeC9); and (c) South, with cold, humid environment (local ecotype BO78). Genetic-driven differences among cultivars were tested by homogenizing the culture conditions of the three seed sources. In addition, seven commercial samples of quinoa purchased at local food markets were analyzed and compared to our experimental harvested seeds. In all samples daidzein content was higher than genistein (P < 0.05). The northern ecotype R49 exhibited higher content of isoflavones compared with the other two (UdeC9 and BO78), all grown under the same experimental conditions. Daidzein ranged from 1.15 (R49) to 0.70 (BO78) mg/100 g, while genistein varied from 0.25 (R49) to 0.05 (UdeC9) mg/100 g. Ecotype R49 had 1.6 and 1.7 fold higher daidzein contents than UdeC9 and BO78, respectively (P < 0.05). In the commercial samples, the daidzein/genistein ratio ranged from 25.2 to 3.9, daidzein ranged from 2.05 to 0.78 mg/100 g, and genistein ranged from 0.41 to 0.04 mg/100 g. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the contents of daidzein and genistein in quinoa seeds. The study demonstrates that, besides its well-recognized nutritional value, quinoa possesses an excellent potential as a source of these health-promoting bioactive compounds.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Quinoa; Daidzein; Genistein; Isoflavones; Ecotypes.

Learning about TURFs and natural variability: Failure of surf clam management in Chile.
Aburto, J. & Stotz, W.
Territorial User Rights for Fisheries (TURF) is considered an appropriate tool for small-scale fishery management. In Chile a TURFs system called Management Exploitation Areas for Benthic Resources (Áreas de Manejo y Explotación de Recursos Bentónicos-AMERB) were developed as a solution for the fishery crisis of Concholepas concholepas, a hard bottom snail. The success of these AMERBs led to its widespread application across different fisheries resources and social-ecological contexts, among them the surf clam Mesodesma donacium which has a highly variable population. Traditionally, fishermen followed the sporadically appearing M. donacium beds, migrating along the coast, a behavior now suppressed under the AMERB regime. We examined the dynamics of the M. donacium fishery, evaluating the performance of the AMERB system for its sustainable exploitation. Fishermen extracted surf clams based on monthly quotas, which were conservative. Despite this, after three years the fishery of M. donacium within the AMERB collapsed because of lack of recruitment and high natural mortality. The resulting low abundances made the fishery unattractive, causing the abandonment of the AMERB. This suggests that implementation of an AMERB system must integrate knowledge of the spatial scales over which different clam beds (subpopulations) are connected. While still ignoring the structure of the metapopulation, as occurs at present for M. donacium stocks in Chile, it could be evaluated to increase capture during the periods of boom, taking advantage of surf clams that will disappear in any case due to natural mortality. A spatial reserve within each clam bed could also be established in order to conserve the unknown but potentially important role of the subpopulation for the metapopulation.
Año: 2013
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Nurse effect and herbivory exclusion facilitate plant colonization in abandoned mine tailings storage facilities in north-central Chile.
Cuevas, J., Silva, S., León-Lobos, P., & Ginocchio, R.
Positive interactions among plants, such as the nurse effect, can attenuate environmental stress (e.g., drought) or reduce the intensity of perturbations (e.g., herbivory), thus enhancing the possibility of regeneration in natural systems. This study analyses the potential use of nurse plants for restoring artificial environments, such as mine hard-rock dumps. We evaluated seedling recruitment and survival in open areas and beneath the canopy of nurse shrubs, with and without grazing exclusion, on an abandoned copper tailings storage facility in north-central Chile. The nurse species was Baccharis linearis (Asteraceae), and seedling species were B. linearis, Haplopappus parvifolius (Asteraceae), Schismus arabicus (Poaceae), and several forb/grass taxa. A field survey showed that seedlings of all species were more abundant beneath the Baccharis shrub canopy coverage than in the open spaces between shrubs. Only Baccharis seedlings produced a significant difference. We found a decreasing sequence of seedling survival under the following conditions: beneath the Baccharis canopy with herbivore exclusion, beneath the canopy without exclusion, in the open field with exclusion, and finally, in the open field without exclusion. Substrates beneath shrubs had higher P and K levels at depths < 10 cm than substrates in open areas. Water content, substrate compaction, and plant diversity did not differ between microenvironments. Our results demonstrate the importance of both the nurse effect and herbivore exclusion in enhancing seedling establishment on abandoned mine tailings storage facilities in semi-arid north-central Chile. Thus shedding light upon the ecological restoration possibilities in such disturbed environments.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Baccharis linearis, Haplopappus parvifolius, hard rock waste, primary succession, survival analysis.

The response of leaf respiration to water stress in Nothofagus species.
Sanhueza, C., Bascunan-Godoy, L., Corcuera, L., & Turnbull, M.
Nothofagus solandri is regarded as more tolerant to drought than Nothofagus menziesii in the field. However, the physiology of responses to water limitation in these species is not well understood. In this study, the thermal sensitivity of leaf respiration and its underlying metabolism in response to drought were investigated in mature trees and saplings. Respiration (R d) and photosynthesis (A max) were measured during drying and re-wetting cycles. In addition, respiratory pathway changes were evaluated by oxygen isotope fractionation and protein analyses. Under drought treatment in the glasshouse, both species showed similar photosynthetic performance, but under mild water stress N. solandri was able to increase A max. Under moderate water deficit (around −2 MPa), N. solandri increased respiration at a base temperature of 10°C (R 10) but then decreased it to initial values after re-watering. In N. menziesii, R 10 did not respond significantly to water-stress treatment. The temperature sensitivity of R d (Q 10 and E o) was unchanged for both species during the gradual deficit water treatment in the glasshouse. Although respiratory electron flow was mainly via the cytochrome pathway under all conditions, an increase in alternative oxidase/cytochrome oxidase protein content suggests that the alternative pathway is involved in modulating respiratory metabolism during the recovery after drought.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Alternative oxidase, cytochrome oxidase, drought, metabolism, New Zealand, trees.

Condiciones paleovegetacionales y asentamientos humanos durante el formativo temprano: análisis de polen del sitio Tulán-85 (1.530/1.260-460/420 años cal. a.c.), cuenca del Salar de Atacama.
González-Silvestre, L., Maldonado, A., Núñez, L., Cartajena, I., Carrasco, C., & de Souza, P.
Se presenta el análisis polínico obtenido de una columna estratigráfica que cubre toda la secuencia ocupacional del asentamiento formativo temprano Tulán-85 localizado al sureste del salar de Atacama fechado entre los 1.530-1.260 a 460-420 cal. a.C. Se concluye que es posible diferenciar mediante el polen actual tres pisos altitudinales de vegetación, al tanto que la comparación de las muestras fósiles con aquellas actuales sugieren condiciones de mayor humedad en la base de la secuencia, al comienzo de la fase Tilocalar (1.530-1.260 cal. a.C.). En los niveles medios comienzan los eventos áridos, identificándose al final de la columna los mayores indicadores de aridez. Los antecedentes paleoclimáticos de la alta puna señalan que las ocupaciones pastoralistas de la fase Tilocalar son sincrónicas con el establecimiento de condiciones más húmedas, lo que es concordante con los resultados del análisis polínico. Estas habrían repercutido favorablemente en las ocupaciones pastoralistas en los pisos inferiores. Es importante destacar la identificación de eventos de aridez hacia el final de la ocupación, los que no habían sido descritos con anterioridad para el área de estudio.
Año: 2013
Palabras claves: Formativo Temprano, polen fósil, condiciones húmedas, eventos áridos, salar de Atacama.

Raymond T. Bauer, Recipient of the Crustacean Society excellence in research award.
Thiel, M.
Año: 2013
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