Dr. José Rutllant

Descripción de investigación: El clima regional y su dinámica en la Región de Coquimbo constituye un área transversal dentro de CEAZA; desde entender los procesos que conducen a fuertes nevadas en la parte alta de los valles, hasta aquellos que explican el comportamiento estacional de los vientos responsables de la surgencia costera, pasando por el impacto en la agricultura de vientos cálidos y secos (el terral de Vicuña). El conocimiento de estos procesos permite por una parte, validar los modelos de simulación del clima y, por otra, entender la variabilidad del clima del pasado reflejado, por ejemplo, en polen fósil.
- Núcleo Milenio Understanding Past coastal upWelling systems and Environmental Local and Lasting impacts (Upwell) – (Comprensión de Los Sistemas de Surgencia del Pasado y los Impactos Ambientales Locales y Duraderos), ANID.
- Apoyo a la Continuidad del Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas.
- Climate and vegetation dynamics in Mediterranean high Andean ecosystems during the Holocene.
- De cordillera a mar, el móvil de la ciencia ¡allá va!
- Variability of cloud liquid water on the coastal fog forests of northern Chile.
- Rudloff, V.M., Rutllant, J.A., Martel-Cea, A., Maldonado, A. 2021. Hydrothermal modulation of NDVI in the high-altitude semiarid Andes of Chile (30–34°S). Journal of Arid Environments, V. 186,104397, ISSN 0140-1963, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2020.104397.
- Aguirre,C.;Flores-Aqueveque, V.; Vilches, P.; Vásquez, A.; Rutllant, J.A.; Garreaud, R. 2021. Recent Changes in the Low-Level Jet along the Subtropical West Coast of South America. Atmosphere, 12, 465. https://doi.org/10.3390/ atmos12040465
- Lobos-Roco, F., Hartogensis, O., Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J., de la Fuente, A., Muñoz, R., Rutllant, J., and Suárez, F. 2021. Local evaporation controlled by regional atmospheric circulation in the Altiplano of the Atacama Desert, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 9125–9150, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-9125-2021.
- Rudloff, V.M., Rutllant, J.A., Martel-Cea, A., Maldonado, A.. 2021. Hydrothermal modulation of NDVI in the high-altitude semiarid Andes of Chile (30–34◦S). Journal of Arid Environments. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2020.104397
- Muñoz, R.C., Armi, L., Rutllant, J.A., Falvey, M., Whiteman C.D., Garreaud, R., Arriagada, A., Flores, F., Donoso, N. (2020). Raco Wind at the Exit of the Maipo Canyon in Central Chile: Climatology, Special Observations, and Possible Mechanisms. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol. (2020) 59 (4): 725–749. https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-19-0188.1
- Rondanelli, R., Hatchett, B., Rutllant, J., Bozkurt, D., & Garreaud, R. (2019). Strongest MJO on Record Triggers Extreme Atacama Rainfall and Warmth in Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(6), 3482-3491. doi: 10.1029/2018gl081475
- Ortega, C., Vargas, G., Rojas, M., Rutllant, J., Muñoz, P., Lange, C., Pantoja, S., Dezileau, L., Ortlieb,L. (2019). Extreme ENSO-driven torrential rainfalls at the southern edge of the Atacama Desert during the Late Holocene and their projection into the 21th century. Global And Planetary Change, 175, 226-237. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.02.011
- Strub, P., James, C., Montecino, V., Rutllant, J., & Blanco, J. (2019). Ocean circulation along the southern Chile transition region (38°–46°S): Mean, seasonal and interannual variability, with a focus on 2014–2016. Progress In Oceanography, 172, 159-198. doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2019.01.004
- Aguilera, M.A., Aburto, J.A., Bravo, L., Broitman, B.R., García, R.A., Gaymer, C.F., Gelcich, S., López, B.A., Montecino, V., Pauchard, A., Ramos, M., Rutllant, J.A., Sáez, C.A., Valdivia, N., and Thiel, M. (2019) Chapter 29. Chile: Environmental Status and Future. In: World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation. Volume I Europe, The Americas and West Africa, C. Sheppard (Ed.), Academic Press
- Briceño-Zuluaga, F., Castagna, A., Rutllant, J.A., Flores-Aqueveque, V., Caquineau, S., Sifeddine, A., Velazco, F., Gutierrez, D., Cardich, J. (2017). Paracas dust storms: Sources, trajectories and associated meteorological conditions. In Atmospheric Environment. Volume 165, 2017. Pages 99-110.
- Scaff, L., Rutllant, J., Rahn, D., Gascoin, S. and Rondanelli, R. (2017). Meteorological Interpretation of Orographic Precipitation Gradients along an Andes West Slope Basin at 30°S (Elqui Valley, Chile). Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18(3), pp.713-727.
- Astudillo, O., Dewitte, B., Mallet, M., Frappart, F., Rutllant, J., Ramos, M., Bravo, L., Goubanova, K. and Illig, S. (2017). Surface winds off Peru-Chile: Observing closer to the coast from radar altimetry. Remote Sensing of Environment, 191, pp.179-196.
- Muñoz, R. C., Quintana, J., Falvey, M. J., Rutllant, J. A., & Garreaud, R. (2016). Coastal Clouds at the Eastern Margin of the Southeast Pacific: Climatology and Trends. Journal of Climate, 29(12), 4525-4542. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0757.1
- Montes, C., Rutllant, J., Aguirre, A., Bascuñán-Godoy, L., & Juliá, C. (2016). Terral de Vicuña, a Foehnlike Wind in Semiarid Northern Chile: Meteorological Aspects and Implications for the Fulfillment of Chill Requirements in Deciduous Fruit Trees. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 55(5), 1183-1196.
- Rahn, D., Rosenblüth*, B., & Rutllant, J. (2015). Detecting Subtle Seasonal Transitions of Upwelling in North-Central Chile. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45(3), 854-867.
- Flores-Aqueveque, V., Alfaro, S., Vargas, G., Rutllant, J., & Caquineau, S. (2015). Aeolian particles in marine cores as a tool for quantitative high-resolution reconstruction of upwelling favorable winds along coastal Atacama Desert, Northern Chile. Progress In Oceanography, 134, 244-255.
- Aguirre, C., Garreaud, R., & Rutllant, J. (2014). Surface ocean response to synoptic-scale variability in wind stress and heat fluxes off south-central Chile. Dynamics Of Atmospheres And Oceans, 65, 64-85
- Rutllant, J., Muñoz, R., & Garreaud, R. (2013). Meteorological observations on the northern Chilean coast during VOCALS-REx. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13(6), 3409-3422.
- Ortega, C., Vargas, G., & Rutllant, J. (2013). Major hydrological regime change along the semiarid western coast of South America — Response to comments by Maldonado and Moreiras [page number in this issue]. Quaternary Research, 80(1), 140-142.
- Flores-Aqueveque, V., Alfaro, S., Caquineau, S., Foret, G., Vargas, G., & Rutllant, J. (2012). Inter-annual variability of southerly winds in a coastal area of the Atacama Desert: implications for the export of aeolian sediments to the adjacent marine environment. Sedimentology, 59(3), 990-1000.
- Juliá, C., Rahn, D., & Rutllant, J. (2012). Assessing the Influence of the MJO on Strong Precipitation Events in Subtropical, Semi-Arid North-Central Chile (30°S). Journal Of Climate, 25(20), 7003-7013.
- Ortega, C., Vargas, G., Rutllant, J., Jackson, D., & Méndez, C. (2012). Major hydrological regime change along the semiarid western coast of South America during the early Holocene. Quaternary Research, 78(3), 513-527.