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Multi-method assessment of connectivity between surface water and shallow groundwater: the case of Limarí River basin, north-central Chile.


Oyarzún, R., Barrera, F., Salazar, P., Maturana, H., Oyarzún, J., & Aguirre, E. et al.


A study that tests the applicability and consistency of independent but complementary approaches in the assessment of interactions between surface water and shallow groundwater within a water-stressed basin is described. The mostly agricultural Limarí basin in arid north-central Chile was chosen as a suitable case study. The analyses involved: (1) a connectivity index method, (2) hydrochemistry, and (3) water isotopic geochemistry. Chemical and isotopic data were obtained from two sampling campaigns conducted in April (fall) and December (summer) of 2011 in 22 sampling locations, which included surface water and groundwater. The results obtained by each of the methodologies were mutually consistent and indicate high connectivity conditions. Additionally, the relative contribution by different sources was assessed through end-member mixing analysis, and for reaches of the river that showed gaining conditions, the contribution of groundwater inflow to stream discharge was estimated. It is suggested that this multi-method approach is useful for the characterization of surface-water–groundwater interactions, since it at least represents a suitable starting point for obtaining basic information on these relationships. Thus, it may become the base for further studies in arid and semi-arid basins facing water management challenges.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves: Stable isotopes, RadonOver-allocated basin, Arid regions, Chile.

Referencia APA: Oyarzún, R., Barrera, F., Salazar, P., Maturana, H., Oyarzún, J., & Aguirre, E. et al. (2014). Multi-method assessment of connectivity between surface water and shallow groundwater: the case of Limarí River basin, north-central Chile. Hydrogeol J, 22(8), 1857-1873.

Alimentos, Tecnologías Vegetales Y Paleoambiente En Las Aldeas Formativas De La Pampa Del Tamarugal, Tarapacá (ca. 900 AC-BOO DC).


García, M., Vidal, A., Mandakovic, V., Maldonado, A., Peña, M., & Belmonte, E.


Este trabajo pretende introducir a los usos e imaginarios relacionados con las plantas en las aldeas formativas de la Pampa del Tamarugal, Tarapacá (Chile). Se estudiaron los restos vegetales recuperados de las excavaciones de los sitios Pircas y Caserones, en la quebrada de Tarapacá, así como de Guatacondo 1 y Ramaditas, en la de Guatacondo. Estas aldeas poseen contextos domésticos, ceremoniales, mortuorios y de almacenaje, asociados a alimentos silvestres y cultivados, así como un amplio universo artefactual, principalmente en madera, que incluye materias primas, instrumentos y desechos de talla. Se concluye que, si bien las cuatro aldeas comparten aspectos significativos como su orientación agrícola y forestal, las ocupaciones de ambas cuencas expresan situaciones disímiles que permiten cuestionar la noción evolucionista que se ha tenido del período Formativo como una sucesión unilineal de etapas de progreso.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves: Aldeas - Prosopis - alimentos - tecnologías vegetales -período Formativo - Tarapacá.

Referencia APA: García, M., Vidal, A., Mandakovic, V., Maldonado, A., Peña, M., & Belmonte, E. (2014). Alimentos, Tecnologías Vegetales Y Paleoambiente En Las Aldeas Formativas De La Pampa Del Tamarugal, Tarapacá (ca. 900 AC-BOO DC). Estud. Atacam., (47), 33-58.

Surface ocean response to synoptic-scale variability in wind stress and heat fluxes off south-central Chile.


Aguirre, C., Garreaud, R., & Rutllant, J.


The effect of the high frequency (synoptic) variability of wind and heat fluxes upon the surface ocean off south-central Chile (west coast of South America) is investigated using a regional ocean model. We focus our analysis in austral summer, when the regional wind experiences significant day-to-day variability superimposed on a mean, upwelling favorable flow. To evaluate the nature and magnitude of these effects, we performed three identical simulations except for the surface forcing: the climatological run, with long-term monthly mean wind-stresses and heat fluxes; the wind-synoptic run, with daily wind stresses and climatological heat fluxes; and the full-synoptic run, with daily wind-stresses and daily fluxes. The mean currents and surface geostrophic EKE fields show no major differences between simulations, and agree well with those observed in this ocean area. Nevertheless, substantially more ageostrophic EKE is found in the simulations which include synoptic variability of wind-stresses, impacting the total surface EKE and diffusivities, particularly south of Punta Lavapie (37° S), where the lack of major currents implies low levels of geostrophic EKE. Summer mean SSTs are similar in all simulations and agree with observations, but SST variability along the coast is larger in the runs including wind-stress synoptic variability, suggesting a rather linear response of the ocean to cycles of southerly wind strengthening and relaxation. We found that coastal SST variability does not change significantly in the first tenths of kilometers from the shore when including daily heat fluxes, highlighting the prominent role of wind-driven upwelling cycles. In contrast, in the offshore region situated beyond the 50 km coastal strip, it is necessary to include synoptic variability in the heat fluxes to account for a realistic SST variability.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves: Atmospheric forcing; Air–sea interaction; Surface currents; Surface temperature; Synoptic variability, Chile.

Referencia APA: Aguirre, C., Garreaud, R., & Rutllant, J. (2014). Surface ocean response to synoptic-scale variability in wind stress and heat fluxes off south-central Chile. Dynamics Of Atmospheres And Oceans, 65, 64-85

Twelve Years of Change in Coastal Upwelling along the Central-Northern Coast of Chile: Spatially Heterogeneous Responses to Climatic Variability.


Aravena, G., Broitman, B., & Stenseth, N.


We use time-series analyses to characterize the effects of recent climate variability upon the local physical conditions at 11 study sites along the northern-central coast of Chile (29–34°S). Environmental indices show that the 1° Bakun upwelling index in this coastal region has fluctuated in time, starting from a stable period around the 1980's, peaking during the mid 90s, decreasing during the next ten years and increasing at a steep rate since 2010. Upwelling intensity decreased with increasing latitude, showing also a negative correlation with climate patterns (El Niño3 sea surface temperature-SST anomalies and the Multivariate El Niño Index). We hypothesize that the impacts of climate variability on upwelling events seem to be spatially heterogeneous along the region. Non-sheltered locations and, particularly, sites on prominent headlands show an immediate (lag = 0) and negative correlation between local SST, upwelling events and wind stress. We suggest that near-shore thermal conditions are closely coupled to large-scale forcing of upwelling variability and that this influence is modulated through local topographic factors.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves: Chile (country), Surface temperature, Oceanography, El Niño-Southern Oscillation, Summer, Latitude, Seasons, Ocean temperature.

Referencia APA: Aravena, G., Broitman, B., & Stenseth, N. (2014). Twelve Years of Change in Coastal Upwelling along the Central-Northern Coast of Chile: Spatially Heterogeneous Responses to Climatic Variability. Plos ONE, 9(2), e90276.

Hongos endófitos antárticos como herramienta para la reintroducción de especies nativas en zonas áridas.


Fardella, C., Oses, R., Torres-Díaz, C., & Molina-Montenegro, M.


Ecological restoration is the deliberate action that speeds recovery from a degraded system by direct or indirect human intervention. Xerophytic formations are among the most degraded ecosystems where low water availability makes reintroduction plans unsuccessful and extremely expensive. Roots inoculation with endophytic fungi has been reported as a successful strategy to maintain or improve the ecophysiological performance and survival in different species of shrubs and trees. In harsh environments, endophytes have been shown to provide benefits in terms of survival and growth for their associated vegetation. In this study, we showed that inoculation with endophytes isolated from plants growing in Antarctica improve survival and water use efficiency for irrigation on native species of xerophytic formations: Flourensia thurifera, Senna cumingii and Puya berteroniana. Overall, the presence of endophytes improved survival of all native species. Furthermore, the presence of endophytes improved water use efficiency for irrigation, reaching higher percentages of survival in plants with a reduction in the added water. The application of Antarctic endophytes could be considered a successful strategy for future projects and reintroduction programs in arid and semi-arid zones of Chile.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves: Endophytes, water use efficiency, xerophytic formations, restoration.

Referencia APA: Fardella, C., Oses, R., Torres-Díaz, C., & Molina-Montenegro, M. (2014). Hongos endófitos antárticos como herramienta para la reintroducción de especies nativas en zonas áridas. Bosque (Valdivia), 35(2), 235-239. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/s0717-92002014000200011

Identifying appropriate spatial scales for marine conservation and management using a larval dispersal model: The case of Concholepas concholepas (loco) in Chile.


Garavelli, L., Kaplan, D., Colas, F., Stotz, W., Yannicelli, B., & Lett, C.


Along the coast of Chile, fisheries targeting the marine gastropod Concholepas concholepas, commonly named “loco”, were highly valuable until the end of the 80s when catches declined significantly. Since the late 90s, a management plan based on territorial-user-rights areas has been implemented, with limited effect on stock recovery. More effective loco conservation and management is impeded by lack of information regarding connectivity via larval dispersal between these individually-managed areas. To develop a regional view of loco connectivity, we integrate loco life history information into a biophysical, individual-based larval dispersal model. This model is used to evaluate scales of loco connectivity and seasonality in connectivity patterns, as well as to partition the coast into largely disconnected subpopulations using a recently developed connectivity-matrix clustering algorithm. We find mean dispersal distances ranging from 170 to 220 km depending on release depth of larvae and planktonic larval duration. Settlement success levels depend quantitatively on the physical and biological processes included in the model, but connectivity patterns remain qualitatively similar. Model estimates of settlement success peak for larval release dates in late austral autumn, consistent with field results and with favorable conditions for larval coastal retention due to weak upwelling during austral autumn. Despite the relatively homogeneous Chilean coastline, distinct subpopulations with minimal connectivity between them are readily identifiable. Barriers to connectivity that are robust to changes in model configuration exist at 23°S and 29°S latitudes. These zones are all associated with important headlands and embayments of the Chilean coast.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves:

Referencia APA: Garavelli, L., Kaplan, D., Colas, F., Stotz, W., Yannicelli, B., & Lett, C. (2014). Identifying appropriate spatial scales for marine conservation and management using a larval dispersal model: The case of Concholepas concholepas (loco) in Chile. Progress In Oceanography, 124, 42-53.

Antarctic macrolichen modifies microclimate and facilitates vascular plants in the maritime Antarctica – a reply to Casanova-Katny et al.


Molina-Montenegro, M., Torres-Díaz, C., & Gianoli, E.


In a current article in the Journal of Vegetation Science, Casanova-Katny et al. addressed a comment about an article by Molina-Montenegro et al., which demonstrated the climate modification induced by the macrolichen Usnea antarctica and its role as facilitator. They provided useful corrections concerning species identification and pointed out several issues that, in their view, weakened our study. They indicated that the role of U. antarctica as a facilitative species in the maritime Antarctica is merely philosophical and has no ecological relevance. In this commentary, we argue why these critiques are unsubstantial, and provide evidence that the macrolichen can modify the microclimate, ameliorating the harsh conditions prevailing in Antarctica, establishing positive interactions and eventually facilitating vascular species. Thus, the macrolichen U. antarctica would act as a ‘nurse species’, playing a key role in structuring the maritime Antarctic plant community.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves: Antarctica; Deschampsia Antarctica; Facilitation; Nurse effect; Positive interactions.

Referencia APA: Molina-Montenegro, M., Torres-Díaz, C., & Gianoli, E. (2014). Antarctic macrolichen modifies microclimate and facilitates vascular plants in the maritime Antarctica - a reply to Casanova-Katny et al. (2014). J Veg Sci, 25(2), 606-608.

Spatial variability in community composition on a granite breakwater versus natural rocky shores: Lack of microhabitats suppresses intertidal biodiversity.


Aguilera, M., Broitman, B., & Thiel, M.


Strong differences have been observed between the assemblages on artificial reefs and on natural hard-bottom habitats worldwide, but little is known about the mechanisms that cause contrasting biodiversity patterns. We examined the influence of spatial attributes in relation to both biogenic and topographic microhabitats, in the distribution and composition of intertidal species on both artificial and natural reefs. We found higher small-scale spatial heterogeneity on the natural reef compared with the study breakwater. Species richness and diversity were associated with a higher availability of crevices, rock pools and mussels in natural habitats. Spatial distribution of certain grazers corresponded well with the spatial structure of microhabitats. In contrast, the lack of microhabitats on the breakwater resulted in the absence of several grazers reflected in lower species richness. Biogenic and topographic microhabitats can have interactive effects providing niche opportunities for multiple species, explaining differences in species diversity between artificial versus natural reefs.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves: Artificial reefs; Biodiversity; Breakwater; Grazers; Spatial heterogeneity; Microhabitats.

Referencia APA: Aguilera, M., Broitman, B., & Thiel, M. (2014). Spatial variability in community composition on a granite breakwater versus natural rocky shores: Lack of microhabitats suppresses intertidal biodiversity. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 87(1-2), 257-268.

Geomorphology, internal structure, and successive development of a glacier foreland in the semiarid Chilean Andes (Cerro Tapado, upper Elqui Valley, 30°08′ S., 69°55′ W.).


Monnier, S., Kinnard, C., Surazakov, A., & Bossy, W.


We use geomorphological analysis, sedimentological survey, remote sensing, and ground penetrating radar (GPR) in order to understand the complex landform assemblage found in front of the Cerro Tapado glacier in the upper Elqui River catchment, semiarid Andes of Chile. The geomorphological analysis highlights prominent boundaries dividing the landform assemblage into (from the upper part to the lower part) an upper latero-frontal moraine complex, an upper debris-covered glacier, a lower debris-covered glacier, two rock glaciers, and a lower morainic complex. The sedimentological survey highlights the rather small size of the surface debris (in general < 20 cm) and the predominance of porphyritic rhyolite. Remote sensing data show that, between 1956 and 2010, considerable (> 400 m) receding of the glacier occurred, along with downslope displacements (dm–m·y− 1) of most of the landform units and a significant evolution of the thermokarst features on the debris-covered glaciers. Considerable surface lowering occurred in the upper part of the assemblage, while localized bulging is seen along the morphological boundaries in the lower units. The GPR profiles highlight spectacular internal structure in the upper debris-covered glacier with up to 80 m of buried ice. In the other landform units, the internal structure is less visible and more heterogeneous. The analysis of the radar wave velocity along the GPR profiles reveals the occurrence of air-filled and moist zones in the internal structure. The geomorphological assemblage is fundamentally characterized by its morphological, structural, and dynamical boundaries and defined as a young (probably < 2000 years) polygenetic construction with landform units having added to/overlapped one another. The rock glaciers do not derive from the present debris-covered glacier but preexist to it.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves: Landform assemblage; Debris-covered glacier; Rock glacier; Moraines; Ground-penetrating radar; Subsurface ice.

Referencia APA: Monnier, S., Kinnard, C., Surazakov, A., & Bossy, W. (2014). Geomorphology, internal structure, and successive development of a glacier foreland in the semiarid Chilean Andes (Cerro Tapado, upper Elqui Valley, 30°08′ S., 69°55′ W.). Geomorphology, 207, 126-140.

Formulation, calibration and validation of the DAIS model (version 1), a simple Antarctic Ice Sheet model sensitive to variations of sea level and ocean subsurface temperature.


Shaffer, G.


The DCESS (Danish Center for Earth System Science) Antarctic Ice Sheet (DAIS) model is presented. Model hindcasts of Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) sea level equivalent are forced by reconstructed Antarctic temperatures, global mean sea level and high-latitude, ocean subsurface temperatures, the latter calculated using the DCESS model forced by reconstructed global mean atmospheric temperatures. The model is calibrated by comparing such hindcasts for different model configurations with paleoreconstructions of AIS sea level equivalent from the last interglacial, the last glacial maximum and the mid-Holocene. The calibrated model is then validated against present estimates of the rate of AIS ice loss. It is found that a high-order dependency of ice flow at the grounding line on water depth there is needed to capture the observed response of the AIS at ice age terminations. Furthermore, it is found that a dependency of this ice flow on ocean subsurface temperature by way of ice shelf demise and a resulting buttressing decrease is needed to explain the contribution of the AIS to global mean sea level rise at the last interglacial. When forced and calibrated in this way, model hindcasts of the rate of present-day AIS ice loss agree with recent, data-based estimates of this ice loss rate.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves:

Referencia APA: Shaffer, G. (2014).Formulation, calibration and validation of the DAIS model (version 1), a simple Antarctic ice sheet model sensitive to variations of sea level and ocean subsurface temperature. Geoscientific Model Development, 7(4), 1803-1818.

Genetic diversity of Colobanthus quitensis across the Drake Passage.


Acuña-Rodríguez, I., Oses, R., Cortés-Vasquez, J., Torres-Díaz, C., & Molina-Montenegro, M.


The Drake Passage arises as a likely route for gene flow into Antarctica, as it is the shortest path between this continent and the rest of the world. Despite this, long-distance dispersion into Antarctica could be particularly complex for terrestrial biota. To compare the levels of genetic diversity between Antarctic and South American populations of the Antarctic pearlwort, Colobanthus quitensis, we conducted the first estimation of genetic diversity in this species using amplified fragment length polymorphism. Four populations across the Drake Passage were selected and their genetic composition was characterized. Differences among the levels of genetic diversity were found between the populations analysed as well as between their allelic identities. However, interestingly, their spatial distribution across the Drake Passage suggests a north-to-south gradient of increasing genetic diversity.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves: AFLP, Antarctic vascular plants, Colobanthus quitensis, genetic diversity.

Referencia APA: Acuña-Rodríguez, I., Oses, R., Cortés-Vasquez, J., Torres-Díaz, C., & Molina-Montenegro, M. (2014). Genetic diversity of Colobanthus quitensis across the Drake Passage. Plant Genetic Resources, 12(01), 147-150.

Effect of grazing on distribution and recovery of harvested stands of Lessonia berteroana kelp in northern Chile.


Oróstica, M., Aguilera, M., Donoso, G., Vásquez, J., & Broitman, B.


Understanding the ecological factors regulating exploited natural communities is important in establishing conservation and management strategies. Since the 1960s, artisanal fishermen have harvested up to 300000 dry tons yr-1 of wild populations of Lessonia spp. kelps. Adult kelps form a key habitat on the rocky shores of Chile, and benthic grazers regulate kelp populations by grazing or bulldozing microscopic and juvenile stages. To establish the role of the grazer assemblage in the recovery of kelp stands following harvesting, we conducted a manipulative experiment simulating artisanal kelp extraction and then manipulating the presence of grazers. We followed community succession and spatial distribution of L. berteroana recruits in manipulated and control rocky shore platforms for ca. 12 mo. Inter-individual distances of recruits and spatial autocorrelation analyses showed that the presence of grazers determined a patchy distributional pattern of L. berteroana. The aggregated spatial pattern of kelp recruits in the presence of grazers was followed by numerous coalescence events between small holdfasts, but no coalescence events were observed between recruits in the grazer removal areas. Our results suggest that grazing and recruit coalescence play an important role in the recovery of kelp stands following artisanal harvesting. Incorporating these processes into conservation and management strategies may bolster current strategies, which are based solely on the spatial structure of kelp stands.

Año: 2014

Palabras claves: Algae-herbivore, Harvesting, Grazers, Kelp communities, Spatial structure.

Referencia APA: Oróstica, M., Aguilera, M., Donoso, G., Vásquez, J., & Broitman, B. (2014). Effect of grazing on distribution and recovery of harvested stands of Lessonia berteroana kelp in northern Chile. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 511, 71-82.